Batch entry
- Go to Revenue > click Batch entry
- Click the Add button
- Select a batch template
- Add a description
- Select the owner
- Input the projected # (number of records to be added)
- Projected amount ($ amount to be added to the batch)
- Click save
- Complete the columns for the batch:
- Constituent - Search for the constituent (can add a new record if constituent doesn't exist)
- Amount - $ amount received
- Date - Date donation received
- Appeal - Search to apply the appeal code; for general donations use: 1113-Constituent: 00000 / 30110 / No workorder / General Donation
- Designation - select the corresponding Designation: for general donations use:
- NAT - ON / 30110 / Donor Marketing/ General (Donor designation is unspecified)
- NAT - ON / 30110 / Donor Marketing/ Camp (Donor designation is Camp)
- NAT - ON / 30110 / Donor Marketing/ Research (Donor designation is Research)
- Revenue category - use appropriate revenue category: for general donation use Donations / 40100
- Inbound channel - Select the correct information
- Opportunity - Link the transaction to the opportunity; if none, leave blank
- Do not receipt - check the box if the donation is not receiptable
- Receipts under $15 - Toggle to "Yes" if a receipt is required and the payment amount is under $15
- Wants e-receipt - Toggle to "Yes" if the donor would like a receipt sent via email (Ensure the record includes an email address)
- Validate
- Update projected total
- Click Save and close
- Click the drop-down option for the batch, click Update status
- Next step: Submit
- Assign to: yourself or user committing the batch
- Comment: optional
- Click Save
- Commit the batch
- Go to constituent record(s) to ensure the transaction has been added
Batch template types
Template types | Required information |
Cash batch | Reference number |
Cheque batch | Cheque number |
Credit card payment batch | Credit card number |