Batch entry

  1. Go to Revenue > click Batch entry
  2. Click the Add button
    • Select a batch template
    • Add a description
    • Select the owner
    • Input the projected # (number of records to be added)
    • Projected amount ($ amount to be added to the batch) 
  3. Click save
  4. Complete the columns for the batch:
    • Constituent - Search for the constituent (can add a new record if constituent doesn't exist)
    • Amount - $ amount received
    • Date - Date donation received
    • Appeal - Search to apply the appeal code; for general donations use: 1113-Constituent: 00000 / 30110 / No workorder / General Donation
    • Designation - select the corresponding Designation: for general donations use:
      • NAT - ON / 30110 / Donor Marketing/ General (Donor designation is unspecified)
      • NAT - ON / 30110 / Donor Marketing/ Camp (Donor designation is Camp)
      • NAT - ON / 30110 / Donor Marketing/ Research (Donor designation is Research)
    • Revenue category - use appropriate revenue category: for general donation use Donations / 40100
    • Inbound channel - Select the correct information
    • Opportunity - Link the transaction to the opportunity; if none, leave blank
    • Do not receipt - check the box if the donation is not receiptable
    • Receipts under $15 - Toggle to "Yes" if a receipt is required and the payment amount is under $15
    • Wants e-receipt - Toggle to "Yes" if the donor would like a receipt sent via email (Ensure the record includes an email address)
  5. Validate
  6. Update projected total
  7. Click Save and close
  8. Click the drop-down option for the batch, click Update status
    • Next step: Submit
    • Assign to: yourself or user committing the batch
    • Comment: optional
  9. Click Save
  10. Commit the batch
  11. Go to constituent record(s) to ensure the transaction has been added

Batch template types

Template types Required information
Cash batch Reference number
Cheque batch Cheque number
Credit card payment batch Credit card number