Record an offline Gift in TeamRaiser


Example to add:

  • Participant name: Banting House National Historic Site
  • Donor name: Shmuel Farhi
  • Gift amount: $6,500
  • Payment method: Check
  • TeamRaiser: 2020 MDF Other


  1. Log in to Luminate
  2. From >Go to> TeamRaiser

  1. Click Manage from the Actions column of the appropriate TeamRaiser


  1. Search for the participant >click on the name

  1. From the Profile tab of the participant, click on “Enter Offline Gift”

  1. Click on “Search for existing donor” to search for the donor record 

  1. In the search window, add in the Constituent id (LO id) and or last name to begin your search
  2. Click on “select” to select the correct donor record

  1. From the Configure Gift page add:
  • Gift type: Leave the One-time option button selected
  • Gift amount: Enter the monetary amount the donor has given (or will be giving) in the Gift Amount field
  • Do not Display Amount: Only check the box if donor requested otherwise leave it unchecked
  • Recognition Name: Leave this field blank if not specified or enter the word Anonymous in the field if requested to remain Anonymous. Or, add another name as specified by the participant or donor (for example, some people may prefer to show "Smith Family" on the scrolling gift list).
  • Batch ID: Use this format: mm_dd_yy_EventName_Donor's first initial and last last name_FirstInitialLastName (of staff member or volunteer doing the entry) i.e. 09_08_20_2020MDFOther_SFarhi_IWahidi
  • Payment Method: Select the correct payment method, cash, check or Credit card. for checks, add in the check number for credit cards, add in the credit card number, expiration date
  • Payment Status: Leave “confirm” selected


  1. Click Process 


The offline transaction will be added.